Public Safety Goals, Policies, Strategies, and Implementation Actions

The long-range planning goals for Public Safety are:

  • Reduce crime and the perception of crime in Newport News.
  • Partner with the community to resolve neighborhood concerns and enhance the quality of life in Newport News.
  • Recruit, retain and develop a highly capable and professional public safety workforce.
  • Foster the use of leading edge technology in community policing and in emergency response capabilities.
  • Enhance external communication.
  • Prepare a strategic plan for the Sheriff’s Office.
  • Reduce overcrowding in the local jail.
  • Reduce personnel turnover in the Sheriff’s Office.
  • Improve fire and emergency medical services, facilities, equipment, training, community-wide education, prevention and preparedness.
  • Continue to strengthen and aggressively enforce the City’s codes and ordinances in a proactive manner.
  • Coordinate and manage emergencies and disasters to protect the public peace, health and safety, and to preserve the lives, property, and economic well being of the City and its residents.
  • Pursue regional public safety initiatives.


The Framework for the Future recommends the following goals, policies, strategies and implementation for Police. These goals, policies and strategies are directed at making the City of Newport News the safest city in Hampton Roads, and complement the Police Department’s Strategic Management Plan.  The Strategic Management Plan is available through the Police Department.


Reduce crime and the perception of crime in Newport News.


Effectively address changing patterns and effects of crime within the city.

Strategy 1.1.3: Actively promote the “No More Crime” Program.  

Strategy 1.1.4: Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to address the issue of gang involvement in crime.


1.1.1: Conduct annual citywide surveys to determine citizen concerns.

1.1.3: Increase resources dedicated to curfew enforcement.

1.1.4: Partner with the police department and the Newport News Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism to form a multi-departmental agency and citizen committee to address gang activity.


Address traffic congestion and traffic violations.

Strategy 1.2.1: Develop and deploy innovative traffic calming devices (e.g., “dummy” cameras, patrol cars with manikins inside, etc.) at selected locations around the city.

Strategy 1.2.2: Pursue legislation to allow installation of photo red cameras.


1.2.1: Coordinate with the Department of Engineering and residents to develop traffic calming programs for neighborhoods.


Improve both local and regional plans and procedures for emergency response and counter-terrorism activities.

Strategy 1.3.1: Conduct “Incident Command” training exercises with the Fire Department, EOC and other applicable city departments on a regularly scheduled basis.

Strategy 1.3.2: Facilitate a series of regional meetings to address response by agencies on the Peninsula during regional emergency situations.

Strategy 1.3.3: In conjunction with the Peninsula Chiefs and Sheriff, work to establish a regularly scheduled Peninsula Crime Meeting.


Partner with the community to resolve neighborhood concerns and enhance the quality of life in Newport News.


Maximize citizen satisfaction and citizen commitment through police/community partnerships.

Strategy 2.1.1: Institute regular training for sworn and non-sworn employees in telephone etiquette and dealing with citizens.

Strategy 2.1.2: Increase the number of officers assigned to attend community meetings and events.

Strategy 2.1.3: Institute a Chief’s Citizen/Business Advisory Board.


Partner with other government agencies to address neighborhood concerns.

Strategy 2.2.1: Develop “Community Maintenance Teams” composed of representatives from all relevant city agencies to address local issues.

Strategy 2.2.2: Revitalize and expand the “Workers on Watch” program.

Strategy 2.2.3: Increase the level of interaction with the Victim/Witness Program.


Expand and enhance the police department’s volunteer programs.

Strategy 2.3.1: Develop a program where volunteers would work on a more formal basis with Community Resource Officers and the beat officers in revitalizing neighborhoods.

Strategy 2.3.2: Develop a “Business Watch” Crime Watch group.

Strategy 2.3.3: With the members of the Community Policing Academy Alumni Association, develop a formal advertising campaign to increase participation in the program.

Strategy 2.3.4: Work with the Crime Watch Coalition to reform the current programs from a “Crime Watch” to a “Neighborhood Watch” focus.

Strategy 2.3.5: Initiate a project to work with the Crime Watch Coalition and the various Neighborhood Watch groups on better defining their mission, more clearly describing their responsibilities and increasing their numbers.


Recruit, retain and develop a highly capable and professional workforce.


Develop youth programs promoting the Newport New Police Department as a career choice.

Strategy 3.1.1: In partnership with the Newport News Public Schools (New Horizons) and other community youth organizations, develop a vocational education program for youth interested in law enforcement.

Strategy 3.1.2: Increase both the number of Youth Police Academy classes held each year and the number of participants in each class.

Strategy 3.1.3: Study the development of a “Cadet Program” for 18- to 21-year olds that includes a college scholarship program.


3.1.1: Continue to bring Police Officers into schools to educate and interact with students.


Achieve and maintain a competitive compensation package to attract and retain workforce.


Foster the use of leading edge technology in community policing and in emergency response capabilities.


Employ training, technology, and management strategies to improve data accuracy in criminal activity reporting and record keeping.

Strategy 4.1.1: Hire a Technical Trainer within the Training and Recruiting Division.

Strategy 4.1.2: Develop a sustainable strategic information technology plan for the department.


4.1.1: Purchase the necessary hardware and software to improve activity reporting and record keeping activities.


Obtain a modern, agency-wide information management system. 

Strategy 4.2.1: Actively pursue the purchase of a new Records Management System (RMS).

Strategy 4.2.2: Standardize all desktop applications software.


Enhance external communication.


Improve external Communications.

Strategy 5.1.1: Establish an annual community satisfaction survey as a measure of the community’s perception of good customer service.

Strategy 5.1.2: Schedule regular meetings between the staff and media representatives to discuss department priorities, provide updates on various activities, and answer questions.

Strategy 5.1.3: Promote the use of the Police Ride-Along program.

Strategy 5.1.4: Provide feedback on reported offenses to Neighborhood Watch groups and other interested parties.

Strategy 5.1.5: Install “Suggestion Boxes” at all police facilities and develop a generic e-mail address for on-line suggestions at the agency’s website.

Strategy 5.1.6: Work to institute regularly held “Town Meetings” in each of the precincts involving the police and representatives from other City agencies to discuss issues and review successes.

Strategy 5.1.7: In partnership with the City’s television channel, develop a weekly show that would inform the public of police department and city news related to crime, agency activities and other items of interest.

Strategy 5.1.8: Update the City’s website to include contact information for all department personnel.


The Framework for the Future recommends the following goals, policies, strategies, and implementation actions for the Sheriff’s Office.


Prepare a strategic plan for the Sheriff’s Office.


Prepare a strategic plan that includes a mission statement, the Sheriff’s Office’s long-term goals and objectives, and strategies and means to achieve them. The strategic plan will identify external factors that could affect achievement of long-term goals.

Strategy 6.1.2: Develop the goals to achieve the Sheriff’s Office’s mission and vision.

Implementation 6.1:

6.1.1: Adopt the strategic plan and begin implementation.


Eliminate overcrowding in the city jail.


Explore fully all alternatives and establish options in the strategic plan to address the overcrowding in the jail.  This effort should consider the practicability and legality of combining the City Farm operation and the Sheriff’s Office.

Strategy 7.1.1: Determine whether it is economically feasible to construct a new jail or rehabilitate the existing facility and construct a nearby annex.

Strategy 7.1.2: Research other jurisdictions in Virginia and the measures taken to address overcrowding in jails.

Strategy 7.1.3:  Seek alternative and less costly means of detention including such as the use of electronic monitoring bracelets for violent offenders.


7.1.1:  Implement the most feasible solution to address the overcrowding in the Newport News jail, reduce the number of repeat offenders.


Reduce the level of criminal activity in the jail.


Reduce personnel turnover in the Sheriff’s Department. 


Establish aggressive recruitment and retention programs to reduce personnel turnover and vacancies.

Strategy 8.1.3:  Establish enhanced training and development programs to improve retention.


8.1.1:  Implement an aggressive recruitment and retention program.


The Framework for the Future recommends the following goal, policies, strategies, and implementation for Fire and Emergency Medical Services.  These recommendations complement the NNFD Strategic Plan.   The Strategic Plan is available through the Fire Department.


Improve fire and emergency medical services, facilities, equipment, training, community-wide education, prevention and preparedness.  


Ensure operational readiness and responsiveness throughout the community.

Strategy 9.1.2: Construct fire stations so that all developed areas of the City are within a five minute response time.

Strategy 9.1.3: Establish a third battalion.

Strategy 9.1.4:  Install traffic-light pre-empting system at all intersections along the city’s arterials and collectors.


9.1.1: Conduct a resource needs assessment that supports operational readiness.

9.1.2:  In partnership with the Department of Engineering, secure funding to implement a traffic-light pre-empting system at critical intersections.

9.1.3:  Relocate the obsolete Grissom Fire Station to a better and more accessible site.  

9.1.4:  Build a new Fire Station in the Colony Pines area between York County and Jefferson Avenue.

9.1.5:  Install traffic-light pre-empting system at all intersections along the city’s arterials and collectors.


Continue to provide state of the art training for fire and emergency medical services personnel.

Strategy 9.2.1: Continue to fund the Peninsula’s Emergency Medical Services Council and the Peninsula’s Paramedic Training Program.


Increase community awareness and feedback processes

Strategy 9.3.1:  Evaluate the existing process to gain community opinions and feedback.

Strategy 9.32:  Develop and utilize follow-up customer satisfaction surveys.


9.3.1:  Hold regularly scheduled town hall meetings or other community forum as appropriate to increase community awareness and obtain citizen feedback.


Implement programs to educate community about safety and NNFD  capabilities.

Strategy 9.4.1:  Continue to work with the Newport News School District and non-profits to conduct fire education programs for youth.  

Strategy 9.4.2:  Improve and expand NNFD website to include public education components.

Strategy 9.4.3: Continue to issue fines for repeated patterns of false alarms for police and fire services.


9.4.1: Continue to issue fines for false alarms.


Continue to provide sufficient staff to inspect commercial structures and enforce fire codes.

Strategy 9.5.1: Continue to develop and implement an aggressive fire safety inspection program for commercial structures.


Utilize technology to support operational effectiveness.

Strategy 9.6.1:   Research, identify and evaluate available technology to improve activity reporting and record keeping activities. 

Strategy 9.6.2:   Investigate methods of informational technology interoperability with other city departments.


9.6.1:  Perform routine evaluations of technological performance.

9.6.2:  Implement technology to allow interoperability with other city departments.


Recruit, retain and develop a highly capable and professional workforce.


Provide additional enhanced training and development opportunities.

Strategy 10.1.1:  Develop enhanced training classes.


10.1.1:  Perform an annual assessment of training needs.

10.1.2:  Implement the enhanced training program.


Recruit and retain personnel who meet the Department’s needs.

Strategy 10.2.1:  Develop marketing tools and techniques, and establish non-traditional avenues for their use in recruiting new employees.

Strategy 10.2.2:  Implement and conduct exit interviews to determine if trends other than normal   attrition are apparent in order to address problems.

Strategy 10.2.3:  Develop programs for youth that promote the Newport New Fire Department as a career choice.


10.2.1:  Obtain needed funding for recruitment and retention program.

10.2.2:  Complete study of successful retention strategies and incorporate as applicable into recruitment and retention program.

10.2.3: Continue to bring Fire and EMS staff into schools to educate and interact with students.


The Framework for the Future recommends the following goal, policies, strategies and implementation for Codes Compliance.


Continue to strengthen and aggressively enforce the City’s codes and ordinances in a proactive manner.


Continue to advance legislation to strengthen the City’s property maintenance, zoning, and building code enforcement.

Strategy 11.1.1: Review and revise codes as necessary for achieving Framework for the Future goals.

Strategy 11.1.2: Continue to enforce the requirement that building address numbers be clearly visible from the street in uniform locations so that emergency vehicles can respond quickly.

Strategy 11.1.3: Continue efforts to prevent illegal conversions of single-family structures to multiple family structures through vigorous enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. Hire additional inspection staff to increase enforcement efforts in this area.

Strategy 11.1.4: Improve the enforcement of proffers from zoning cases and conditions of conditional use permits and special exceptions.

Strategy 11.1.5:  Continue the aggressive removal of inoperable vehicles throughout the city.


11.1.2: Increase the requirement of bonds or escrows to guarantee performance of conditions and proffers.

11.1.3:  Increase staffing level to implement the above strategies.


Improve efforts to provide homeowners and neighborhood associations with clear and useful information on common property maintenance and zoning violations.

Strategy 11.2.1: Provide information to the public on common property maintenance and zoning violations.

Strategy 11.2.2: Establish an awards program for the most visually improved and well maintained residential neighborhoods or commercial properties under the City’s Environmental Commission.


11.2.1: Provide citizens and homeowners associations with brochures and/or electronic media on common property maintenance and zoning violations. Pursue all avenues of disseminating information including the City’s website and television channel.


Pursue a policy of proactive code enforcement.

Strategy 11.3.1: Continue to notify residents in writing of the purpose of a code enforcement program prior to neighborhood sweeps to promote better understanding of program goals and so that greater voluntary compliance may be achieved (i.e., to eliminate blighting influences that reduce property values, etc.).

Strategy 11.3.2: Consistent with State Code provisions, when a property owner fails, within an established time, to correct a code violation that presents a serious threat to public safety or a blighting influence to the community, the City should correct the violation, bill the owner and place a lien on the property if the bill is not paid.

Strategy 11.3.3:  Continue emphasis on staff development and recruiting better educated and better trained staff.

Strategy 11.3.4:  Provide staff for after hours code enforcement in evenings and on weekends.


11.3.1: Continue funding to equip all inspectors with laptops.


The Framework for the Future recommends the following goals, policies, strategies and implementation actions for Emergency Management.


Coordinate and manage responses to emergencies and disasters to protect the public peace, health and safety, and to preserve the lives, property, and economic well being of the City and its citizens.  


Improve the emergency management program and overcome identified deficiencies.

Strategy 12.1.1: Identify unmet emergency power needs for City emergency operations, giving priority to emergency shelters.

Strategy 12.1.2: Educate citizens on emergency notification systems used to alert citizens of emergencies, disaster conditions, and protective actions. Address the need for people who use cellular phones to be notified of emergency situations.

Strategy 12.1.3: Expand the special needs program to identify and protect the City’s disabled, handicapped and elderly who will need assistance in an emergency event.

Strategy 12.1.4: Designate a position to focus on emergency preparedness outreach efforts and establish a budget for outreach materials.

Strategy 12.1.5: Improve the emergency and disaster public education program, including the quantity and quality of public and business emergency preparedness Public Service Advisories (PSAs).

Strategy 12.1.6: Increase the number of volunteers to assist with emergency management operations and public notification within their neighborhoods.

Strategy 12.1.7: Develop new and continue existing partnerships with local business and industry to ensure consistent emergency planning for mutual training and exercises.

Strategy 12.1.8: Establish a more effective backup shelter communications capability by installing exterior antennas on each of the designated shelters.


12.1.1: Continue to coordinate and implement a plan for addressing all unmet emergency power needs for the City to include funding support, facility identification, isolation of necessary facility circuits and required wiring, and procedures for obtaining and prioritizing installation of emergency generators.

12.1.2: Develop a system for allowing emergency notification through cell phones for Newport News citizens.

12.1.3: Seek funding assistance to further develop and implement the City Special Needs program.

12.1.4:  Seek funding for the installation of HAM (ARES/RACES) radio exterior mount antenna in each of the designated shelters to allow for more effective communications.

12.1.5: Establish mechanisms to increase the number of volunteers in the EIC to include more pay and expanding the volunteer base.

12.1.6:   Prepare a Newport News plan of public notification, evacuation and sheltering that coincides with the VDOT Mass Evacuation Plan for the Hampton Roads Region and the VDEM Sheltering Plan.

12.1.7:  Evaluate City participation in the Community Rating System of the National Flood Insurance Program to lower flood insurance premiums.


Implement the FEMA approved Peninsula Multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan.

Strategy 12.2.1: Develop a schedule and assignments to carry out the recommendations in the Peninsula Multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan.

Strategy 12.2.2: Obtain federal hazard mitigation funds to acquire and demolish the City Line Apartments.


Train citizen volunteers for effective use in response to natural disasters and manmade emergencies.

Strategy 12.3.1:  Develop and all inclusive outreach program that includes all forums of public and business potentials.


12.3.1: Explore using the Community Emergency Response Team Program (CERT) to increase citizen involvement, train citizens and improve information to households in neighborhoods during emergency events.


The Framework for the Future recommends the following goal, policy and strategies for regional approaches to public safety.


Pursue and support regional public safety initiatives.


Develop cost effective and technically sound public safety agreements and institutions with other jurisdictions and agencies.  

Strategy 13.1.1: Create a regional public safety council as an advisory body to localities.

Strategy 13.1.2: Continue working with the regional task forces on drugs and organized crime.

Strategy 13.1.3: The Fire Department will continue to participate in cooperative investigations with the Tidewater Regional Arson Panel and the Hazardous Device Regional Response Team.

Strategy 13.1.4: Pursue efforts to coordinate a regional emergency medical services system.

Strategy 13.1.5: Organize and develop a regional work and education camp for youth and young adult offenders.

Strategy 13.1.6: Investigate the creation of a regional hazardous waste disposal facility.

Strategy 13.1.7: Support and promote regional emergency management efforts, such as the Hampton Roads Emergency Management Committee (HREMC), the Hampton Roads Regional Emergency Technical Advisory Committee (REMTAC), which is a subcommittee of Hampton Roads Regional Planning Commission, and the Metro Medical Response System (MMRS) to coordinate regional mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from emergencies and disasters.

Strategy 13.1.8:  In conjunction with the City of Hampton, pursue Department of Homeland Security funding to acquire a helicopter for crime fighting efforts.

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